Oh my goodness, I've been back a week and have not posted about Wonderwool!!
Two friends and myself packed a small car with 3 tents, assorted sleeping bags and camping equipment. We were all armed with knitting and drop spindles and heading out of Nottingham by 8am last Saturday. Fortunately it was a good clear day, not too much traffic and we arrived at Royal Welsh Showground, Llanelwedd, Builth Wells,
Purses full, bags empty (except knitting and spindle) shopping trolley (Sally's) at the ready we charged for............the loos......before finding the entance.
Within 10 mins (Pete and Sally reckon it was 5) I had spotted a second hand Kromski Sonata spinning wheel for sale on the Gwent Weavers Spinner and Dyers Guild Stand. Now I had intended to buy a new one either at the show or this week but wanted a trial run just to make sure that this wheel was as I remembered it from last summer when my only experience of spinning was the guild Ashford traditional. Needless to say, I promptly bought it, or rather put a healthy deposit on it until I could get to a cash machine that evening.

The rest of the day was a hectic round of chatting and buying, chatting and buying, chatting and buying so much that I forgot to take my camera out of my bag.
At the end of the day we met up with friends and headed into town for food, passing this street art on the way.

To make up for the lack of show photos, I recommend this
post from Knitcave and
this one from Puddytatpurr, who we met up with at the show.
Sunday morning was spent helping out at the interactive area followed by a quick dash round for a couple of sheepy photos and one of the goat who had kept us awake the previous night.

We all had a brilliant time and hope to do it again and my final bag of goodies contained........
450gm dorset horn washed fleece
200rm organic merino
200 gm alpace/merino
200gm hand painted shetland fromwheeldale
200gm undyed merino also from wheeldale
100gn green wildfibre blend
orifice hooke
shawl pin
knit pro needle set
and, of course, the wheel!!

although my workroom is looking seriously in need of yet another sort out!!

Have a great weekend :-)