So here we have a quick update on the fluffy bits that I've been playing with for the last month or so.
Firstly, I managed to pack a little knitting amongst the holiday luggage although its had to go on the back burner for a while as other project have overtaken it but is a nice mix of silk and merino and was knitted in various place including hotel balconies and mountain cable car stations. More of that later.

The September guild meeting centered around dyeing using natural and acid dyes which proved to be very interesting and as a result fellow spinnotts member Pete and myself ended up going straight to Nottingham Contemporary afterwards to grab a coffee and do some spinning as very little got done between the chat at the meeting. It also appears that the staff there like to have us set up camp with the wheels and knittng etc and we are affectionally known as the yogurt weavers!!

We also attend Ashfield guild hospitality day and enjoyed the opportunity to meet other spinners and partake of a wonderful buffet including the squishy chocolate cake that somehow survived the bus journey back to Nottingham.

The shop has had some new stock in and we also had a stall at Nottingham newest WI fair where two fellow ravellers learnt to use drop spindles.

I'm busy knitting a shawlette and writing out the pattern, the original was knitted in Riot wool in a masculine grey, red combination No photo yet, sorry! So my version is hand spun Shetland/merino for a different look.

Friends are also busy writing and knitting for Knit Nottingham forthcoming pattern release at the beginning of November.

that about it folks, next post will be back out and about on the bike in Germany/Austria.
Hoping you all have a wonderful weekend:-)