Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Random update plus fibre stuff :-)


I haven't completely abandoned this blog but we've been rather busy with work etc.

On the travel side, we have been down to Minehead, over to Morton, to  Hawes in Yorkshire and Rutland in the van. Isle of Skye and the tall ships festival in Gloucester were visited by car.

I will detail more of these trips when I get chance but safe to say the only reason I get time to blog today is because I hake picked up a chest infection that has kept me off work for the last few days.

On the fibre front, I have continued to spin and knit. I somehow lost count of the number of breeds so will check my Instagram as I'm sure I mentioned them on there.

The start of Tour de Fleece is only 3 weeks away and as usual I will spin and take my wheel out with me at weekends.

Sorry for this brief post. More will follow shortly :-)

Photos just to whet the appertiteā€¦.