Kings Lynn.
Yep, dragged the van out again, packed extra bedding as summer has passed and headed down to Norfolk. We have travelled around the country for the last 30 odd years by car, bike and now camper but there are still many areas that we are not too familiar with. One of these is Norfolk so we settled on Kings Lynn (why not)
As we only had a weekend, we booked the campsite that looked closest to the town and at just £22 a night it was a bargain. Clean utility block and a well-stocked site shop, about a mile from the bus route which is fine.
Arrived Friday afternoon and chilled for the evening.

In case you are wondering, that's hand spun Aberfield yarn on the pins and Dr Who on the screen.
Saturday started misty but the sun broke through, we made the trek to the bus stop and arrived at the bus station shortly after 10. Our usual course of action is to search out the charity shops so Ian can hunt for CDs to add to the collection, and I just enjoy looking, rarely buying these days. Only having one day this time, we had decided that shops and a bit of sightseeing would be a good mix and if we spotted anything suggesting another visit then we would be back some other time.
We ended up at Purfleet Quay with its statue of
George Vancouver and huge ships anchors.
We found a ship that moved buoys around., I hadn't realised quite how big they are.
In the morning, I took some lovely photos of boats on the water, harbour area etc but whilst outside one of the old buildings I realised that my camera was on the wrong setting! so I retook some of the photos but the sun had moved so no pretty boat pics 😢
Beautiful buildings and small shops dotted the streets, a number of museums and churches have been earmarked for further exploration.
We stopped to grab a sausage roll at the bakers bearing this symbol.
Sandringham Estate is nearby.
You may have noticed that I like to look at cinemas (my dad used to work in cinemas and theatres and as I child I would sometimes travel with him) and this time we spotted the Majestic Cinema.
Wonderful stained glass and so nice to see that it is still a cinema.
Another interest of ours is fairgrounds and Kings Lyn was the home of Frank Savage who invented the carousel mechanism
The flower planters and seats outside the cinema reflected this connection.
A good day out, total charity haul just 3 cds and we will be back to explore the old town at a later date.
My usual woolly, knitting posts will resume next week xx