Some time ago my mum gave me a bag of silk scarves to work with or pass on to the charity shop. As usual the bag was put away with the rest of my stash and forgotten about until today. Amongst the usual flowery selection I found this...........

It is the usual headscarf size, no label though but I just cannot cut this up or get rid of it. I would love to find out more about the print but I have no idea where to start.
I've been googling some of the names I can make out. Palma Nye is mentioned here at
she was a dancer with Sadlers Wells so maybe this is something to do with Sadlers Wells ballet in the late 40's/50's?
John Field, Beryl Grey, Frederick Ashton are all mentioned as members of Sadlers Wells Ballet in early 1950's too. I love mysteries!
Thanks Julie, I have found that there was a silk scarf called Theatre World produced in 1941 by SADLER'S WELLS BALLET but as yet I have been unable to find a photo. The descripton says that it is signed by 9 dancers.
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