We stopped in a lovely self catering Victorian terrace house in Kirkwall and spent our time exploring the islands. I know Biker Ted will be writing the trip up in detail on his blog at some point so I will just post some photos if that is ok.

Dunnet Head Lighthouse, Scotland

Leaving Scotland behind

Standing Stones of Stenness

The Ring o' Brodgar

The last three photos were taken within 20 minutes of each over, as you can see the weather was changeable to say the least! At one point during our stay the wind reached over 80 mph forcing the cancellation of the ferry services
Lise, I did tell Ted off for not wearing his scarf ( See first photo) he did wear it later and thanks you very much.
I hope to take inspirations from my photos over the winter and will keep you posted on my progress. Also, I bought back a couple of small items from one of the other Islands that we visited and will be giving them away at the end of my holiday reports so anyone who has commented so far plus anyone who comments over the next week or so will go in the draw.
Hope you are all having a great weekend!