The weekend after the bike rally in Cornwall was a meeting of the Nottingham and District Weavers, Spinners and Dyers with the subject being Dyeing. The meeting was very much a show and tell covering some natural dyeing, acid dyes and kool aid dyeing and prompted two of us to have another get together to play with some dyes the following weekend.

( the polar bear at the back of the meeting is not a member although several comments were passed about spinning his fur)
These days we have a very active guild with a good cross section of ages and ability. Spinnotts members now act almost as an outreach group, taking our wheels and spindles out into the community as well as helping teach newcomers at guild meetings.

Sue bought in a selection of spindles made by her husband and Pete unearthed a swift from the guild cupboards which helped make short work of balling up his handspun welsh mountain wool.

Dye samples were examined and the carder pressed into service by a young member who spindle spins from fleece, each meeting becomes a major carding session for her :-)

One lovely lady bought in an American spindle that was a present, she was having a few problems using it and wondered if the spindle was at fault. Very pretty spindle with an unusual hook which kept the yarn firmly in the right place. I played, it worked, did offer to adopt it but was turned down!

I finished the day by quietly spinning at one of Nottingham's bars, such a waste when you take your wheel out to a guild meeting and don't use it!
1 comment:
Sorry to hear that you have not been well, hope that you are recovered now. Looks like a very productive meeting. I can see why you wanted to adopt the spindle!
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