Sunday 22 February 2015

Nottingham Light Night

Today I have been having a turnout of stuff (again) this time it was clothes, 4 bags full for the charity shop, two bags of utter rubbish and a determination not to buy any new clothes this year!!

I need to go through my book collection soon, as I have probably several hundred mainly about textiles/craft/design etc. Not really sure how to sell any that are really interesting, any ideas??

Anyway, I didn't get round to posting photos from Nottingham Light night so here are one or two.

as usual, the ukulele club got in on the act as well :-)

Well, back to work, we have bags of campsite guides etc from the show yesterday to go through :-)

have a great weekend x


Maggi said...

Great photos of the Light Night. Ebay, Gumtree for the books. I'm not a good one to recommend anything as I have a surplus of textile books that I should cull!

Josie said...

The festival looks great, Durham has one too. Hope you feel better soon, looking forward to seeing your doll :)