Sunday 10 July 2016

Tour De fleece day eight.

Hi, a very wet start to the day, almost decided not to go out but at the last minute we checked the weather forecast and headed over to a ukulele festival at Warwick.

We eventually ran out of the rain after 30 mile or so and remained warm but overcast for the rest of the day. It was just a local fest with local clubs performing along with one or two guests. As the Tdf is taking place I took my wheel.

As usual many conversations developed, the clown had a chat about learning to spin on a spindle as a child and doing french knitting. A lady told me about her childhood on Shetland,  a polish lady told me that her great,great grandmother was a spinner. Two elderly ladies looked really surprised as not only had they not seen anyone spinning for years, apparently I was the second spinner they had seen in the last hour or so. I would love to know who the other spinner was ! The rest were the usual questions about how it worked, where did I get the wool from etc.

I did get some spinning  done as well.

1 comment:

Araignee said...

Happy to hear the weather didn't completely dampen your event!