Sunday, 29 January 2017

the weekend

So, its the weekend again! Pete aka Wikkidknitter and myself decided to visit the local guild of weavers , spinners and dyers as its over three years since we were members attending every month. I must admit that we were a little unsure as to whether we would know many people but found a very warn welcome from the members we already knew and many of the others. As it was the January meeting, members were able to have sales tables to sell off any excess equipment. We noticed several ball winders and carders amongst the books and other bits and pieces.

One of the members was destashing due to moving and I took the opportunity to purchase some more lace bobbins. Some to join my best pillow, and some plain ones for when I take my lacemaking out with me.

a couple of books also jumped into my bag, 5000 years of textiles has been on my wish list since c&g days so the chance to pick up the paperback copy for 50p was irresistible.

The art of embroidery is one of those beautiful inspirational embroidery books and will join the other two volumes that I already have on knitting and felt making.

I now need to get rid of several books to make space for them!!

during the week, a Shetland fleece turned up that I ordered before Christmas so all in all my plans of not spending money on books or fibre etc in January went straight out of the window! I now declare February the new January and will try, very hard not to increase my stash, in fact I will be trying to downsize it yet again.

as for the latest fishermans kep, there has been some progress and here is a rare shot of my trying it on to check how it looks, please excuse the red face but it was rather warm wearing it with the heating on!!

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

just a quickie

Hi, I'm about to go work but here is an update on the fair isle kep.

I'm having great fun knitting this one! I also received a parcel of Shetland fleece yesterday so it look like I am going to be seriously busy :-)

Saturday, 21 January 2017

slow time of year


I can't believe that we are already 3/4 of the way through January, not sure where the time goes!

Firstly a confession, I've stepped down from the embroidery challenge as after a day or so it just didn't grab me. I think my head isn't into thread at the moment, just fluff and yarn!

We did manage a day out last weekend, headed off to the east coast and watched some sand racing but it was very cold and wet so didn't hang around for long. I only took my small camera which really doesn't like being cold so not many photos.

After  we had thawed out in the café we headed down to Skegness and trawled the charity shops for books, cds and dvds.
The previous day I had been out with my mate and popped into the nearby Oxfam shop and came out with these.

I like the Journal book as it also has squared paper in it so you can chart your designs for fair isle although most of mine have mistakes in them... must not do this when tired, just leads to frustration.

The purple hat is completed and I've decided that this one is mine !!

and I've started another kep, this time Jacob. manx loaghtan and Portland in the mix.

I nearly forgot, I bagged this book from Amazon as it was on sale at £4.99 so much for my desire to stop buying books etc!!

Still, I have plenty of fleece to spin, at the moment its more of the grey Ryland :-)

Have a great weekend xx

Monday, 2 January 2017

a chance to sit down and stitch

Hubby has gone back to work today in spite of being very much under the weather, I had expected to see him back on the doorstep within the hour but no sign of him as yet.
I don't return to work until this morning so I've been having a tidy up whilst I don't have anyone under my feet!
I just realised that I didn't show the progress on my hat yesterday, so here it is...

I've also joined in 'a year of stitches' on Facebook, the idea is to try and stitch everyday. I think this would be good to spend 10 mins or so once hubby has gone to bed (usually around 8.30 due to early starts)

I hadn't realised how rusty I was at this sort of thing and faced with a blank canvas I'm really at a loss. In the future I will colour my fabric but didn't have much time with this as it was a bit last min.

So far I've managed to find my embroidery hoop and some off white cotton, onto this I've layered some handmade lace to give me a starting point...the photos aren't much good as taken at night but you will get the idea,.
My first thought was to embroider down the sides but after looking at it I decided that it really doesn't work.

so back to the drawing board and I found some textured threads to play with.

I'm couching these down with herringbone stitch, now this feels a bit more like me but I still have to think about where this going next.

However this is still very much in line with my plan to use up my stash :-)

Sunday, 1 January 2017

a new year, same old me :-)


Well that was exciting. I spent the New Year break pretty much on my own as my man has a really bad cough and hasn't ventured out of bed since early Friday evening.

I did some housework Saturday morning then decided that I would spend my time chilling and catching up on some craft work as well as having a bit of a turf out in my work room.

The yarn for the next kep is spun and washed, I'm taking past in a Fair Isle Fisherman Kep knit-a-long starting next week just for a bit of fun. I've yet to sort out a design but will have a look at that tomorrow.

so, this is Jacob, Ryland and Manx loaghtan ready to be balled up, I just have to decide which grey to use.

Slow progress on the hat and I'm still choosing the patterns as I knit along. This was going to be a short, normal size hat but I think I will knit it up to kep length as I'm enjoying it so much.

I have some embroidery planned ( in my head) so not much to show but I did spin some silk to use in it, just a small amount spun on a drop spindle.

This is from a silk 'brick' that I bought many years ago at one of the big embroidery shows, I've been chipping away at it over the years but there is still plenty left.

Well, that's about it, the weather is cold wet and damp and I was in bed before the fireworks started last night.

I hope you all had a good New Year xx