Monday 9 August 2021

a sort of a nothing week.

 No trips out except to the shops.

No exciting weather just sunshine and showers.

No stitching progress.

It's really been a a bit of a non week, the highlight being moving all the stuff back into the van. Just taking out that crate of stuff has made the cupboards emptier all round.

                                             TDF spinning washed, labelled ready to use/sell.

I have been knitting though, four pairs of fingerless mitts knitted from yarn oddments and the skeins that have knots in the, I'm really quite picky about which skeins get sold.

No set plans for this week at the moment, if the weather improves I will have fleece to wash as I'm making good progress processing the clean fleece stash in the work room. We have a two week break coming up so I'm hoping that I have enough fibre to spin whilst away also crossing fingers for dry windy days as we have a couple of kites in the van that haven't been flown since we put them in there, nearly four years ago !

Take care, speak soon x


Araignee said...

All those beautiful skeins!!
Wishing you some lovely kite flying weather. That sounds heavenly. I am counting down until fall.

Gillian said...

I'm in beautiful Derbyshire on my annual few days painting holiday with the art group. Only 3 days but an annual event. Brought some crochet to do when not painting. Not done any yet yet though.