Sunday, 3 November 2024

back to the stitching

 Back in 2021, Jacob from Modern Folk Embroidery started Black Sampler month in Novevember, simply start to stitch a black sampler during the month, which I did.

Needless to say, the progress has been slow but yesterday afternoon (2 November) I started to go through the cross stitch basket and decided that it may as well get finished this Novermber.

I did take it with me on our last trip in September and there is less than 25% to complete. I spent some time stitching yesterday and will have it as my ongoing project for the next few days to give my wrist ( old injury flare up) a rest from the knitting.

Edit.. just to add that the pattern is from the gift of stitching magazine, June 2008. I purchased the complete set of magazines on a dvd  a couple of years ago for about £25 for the full 72 issues.

1 comment:

Araignee said...

Lovely stitching! I've got a black sampler going too and I really appreciate not having to fiddle with color. I've got a dark green holiday Quaker that I was just thinking about getting out early this year. I never seem to get much of anything done in December when it usually makes its appearance.