Sunday, 2 February 2025

Not a SAL, not a KAL but maybe a BAl ? Bal part one. Bucks point sampler

 In case you are wondering , SAL = Stitch a Long, KAL = Knit a Long which makes BAl = Bobbin a Long :-)

I found an online lace group recently who meet on zoom and have Bobbin along sessions. I just happened to join at the start of the Bucks Point Sampler and it seems like a good idea to use it as a refresher. I realise that at some point I will have to make up a few weeks as I really can't take the lace in the van as we don't have a table with a suitable height to work on but I can always play catch up when I get back.

Week one was a basic introduction which I sat in on but didn't have any bobbins round up.

although I'm familiar with this style of lace, I still managed to make a mistake just this far in !! I can see it in the photo but did not realise until much later so it will be in the final piece.

1 comment:

Araignee said...

I am in awe of anyone who can keep all that straight and turn it into something beautiful. I'm looking forward to seeing this progress.