How come its already 2/3 the way though August!!! where does the time go? Well, at the end of July we headed up to Yorkshire for the Dalesman Rally run by Dean Valley Motorcycle club and enjoyed sunshine and beer with many friends that we had not seen for a few years.

I attended Nottingham Mela and listened the music whilst spinning some merino on one of the drop spindles.

Also dropped in at Pagan Pride with some friends and Wikkidknitter demonstrated a different form of spinning to that usually seen :-)

The Nottingham Riverside Festival saw The first meeting of the Ravelry 'spinnotts' group. We are a bunch of spinners who like to go out and spin anywhere and we couldn't pass up the opportunity to spend the afternoon spinning and listening to music.

I've finished some spinning so this....

became this...

and this......

became this...

Finally, In my next post, I will have some news for knitters and spinners in and around the Nottingham area :-)
What have the Guzzi and yourself in common?
You both have 50 on the clock :o)
HA ha Ted :-) trust you to spot that one!!
Must have been fun!
Glorious pics. Love what you did with the fiber. Simply gorgeous!
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