Tuesday 16 February 2016

Bobbin Lace

Hi, yesterday we woke up to a dusting of snow, nothing serious. It melted and turned into a sunny day. Today is cold, bright and sunny, it's been a really strange winter this year. The temperatures are predicted to be 12c by Sunday!!

So yesterday was housework, book sorting and I went for a walk as I have been stuck in the house far too long. The cough really wasn't so bad as it has been although I did have to stop several times to get my breath!

Since last Wednesday I have been avoiding chocolate, coffee, caffeine, crisps, citrus fruits just in case the consultants latest theory is correct............. so, so difficult to avoid chocolate and coffee!!!!

I finished winding the lace bobbins. That pretty pattern was from this book.

Which I bought many years ago because I liked the picture on the front only to find the pattern is not inside and doesn't have anything to do with the style of lace!

I've made a start although there isn't much to show, just a forest of pins!!

So, back to the computer file sorting and the book sorting....speak soon x

1 comment:

Araignee said...

It seems like you are in the same weather pattern as we are. Yesterday it was 20 degrees with snow and ice and today it is 60 with rain, that has now given way to sun. I don't get it.