Saturday 4 July 2020

Tour de Fleece day 7


Day 7 round up, I'm up early and realized that I didn't blog last night. I'm still working on the zwartbles and have another 3 bobbins of around 60gm, I hope to start the 4th today and maybe ply them.

Due to a slight mishap ! I've had to replace on of the brake band springs with an elasticated hair tie. Strongly my wheel now runs quieter than before but I've ordered new springs and line just incase.

Since its the weekend, I suspect that I may just have one blog to cover the next few days but I did pop the remnants of the bfl mule into the dye pot yesterday so we will see what happened. just over 100gm of fleece so any yarn will make its way into my fair isle knitting stash.

Have a great weekend xx

1 comment:

Araignee said...

That is such a beautiful, rich brown! Not at all dusty looking like some brown can be.