Saturday 1 June 2024

thinking ahead about crafty projects,

 I've been thinking about what I want to achieve (craft wise) over the summer months when we are not travelling so much and have come up with a list.


Three main projects on the go

big black thing

blackwork sampler ( started 1st May as a holiday project)

general band sampler for embroidery


Tour de fleece is in July so I need to take stock of what fleece I have, maybe buy a little more white fleece for dyeing and simply wash and prep ready for the big spin session

I'm also taking part in a couple of local demos so I need to make sure that I have all my kit ready


Continue knitting the mitts etc


Continue with torchon strip

Start working on new doll project

That's it at the moment, we have house stuff to sort out, a couple of festivals to go to and another tour to plan :-)


Araignee said...

Your embroidery leaves me speechless!!! Such elegant projects.

Gillian said...

Busy summer by the looks of it Sue. Hope we can manage a coffee before you go off on your travels again. X