Sunday 9 June 2024

Tour de fleece 2024

 Am I taking part?   Yes

My Goals  ? spin down the stash

What's in the stash?  well, that's the problem, not a lot really. I have around 2 / kilo of Shetland to wash, one Jacob fleece to inspect, one Hebridean fleece that I may or may not spin and some oddments .

I have around 300 gm of lleyn cross processed and  a bag of washed oddments and that's about it.

My usual hoard of fleece was whittled down last year and I've not really replaced it. One Romney is on the way along with some a small amount of Bowmont but that's about i at the moment.

Three fleeces are destined for my friends allotment and even though I have a bag of alpaca, it will probably be some time before I can face washing the dust out of it


Bowmont and Romney have arrived

Squishy... I'm thinking lace shawl with this.

Maybe even overdye this one?

I'm also going to look for a white ryeland.

Since I composed this post, I've been offered free fleece, border leicester cross so I'll see whether it stays with me or goes down to the allotments.


Araignee said...

Fleeces just seem to fall out of the sky for you! How lucky is that? I've got two washed fleeces stored away that might come out this year during the Tour. I also started a rolag making project years ago that I need to finish with a Shetland. Maybe that will come out too.

Anonymous said...

Lovely selection of fleeces you are going to have fun

Julie said...

I've just bought a spinning wheel so I hope to join in with TDF this year. I've got some fibres but I'll mostly be plying and hoping to make art yarns. I doubt I'll spin every day but hopefully it'll be fun.