Saturday 29 June 2024

Tour de fleece 2024, I survived day one !

 So here we are, day one of TDF 2024. I started the day with breakfast and coffee in town.

I did manage to spin before catching my bus to guild, I also had three requests for details about the guild and one request from a fashion student for my social media ( If you are reading this, I didn't catch your name, sorry x )

Most of the remainder of the day was spent at guild, a lot of chatting, not so much spinning.

Then half an hour or so at home to finish the second bobbin.

Day one, two bobbins of ryeland, approx 100gm, not a bad start :-) I'm now going to settle down and knit x


Gillian said...

Where is the Guild Sue ?

Guzzisue said...

Hi, Notts district branch of the Guild of weavers spinners and dyers is in Gedling.

Araignee said...

It must be fun to be able to share your work with folks who can appreciate and understand it. No one here has a clue to what I find so interesting about playing with fiber.