Sunday 30 June 2024

TDF day 2, not quite what I planned.

 Over the last few months I've got in the habit of spending Sunday afternoons up at Nottingham Castle in the gate house café either spinning, knitting or making lace as its usually quiet and people feel comfortable asking what I am doing.

Today, the cafe was closed !! there is a café in the castle/big house/museum building but it gets busy and I don't feel comfortable taking up a table for four with all my bits.

So, it was off to a coffee shop. Confession, I do like Neros coffee and we have at least six of them in town.

One bobbin spun over coffee, another once I got home. Total so far on TDF is 200 gm (bobbins have just over 50gm on each) The plan is to spin another 2 then ply 1 with 4, 2 with 5, 3 with 6 to hopefully even out any difference in the spins.

To make sure that I don't overdo the spinning, I've cast on a shawl to use up the oddments of Shetland that are lying around.

That's about it for now, next update tomorrow x

1 comment:

Araignee said...

What a lovely place to spin! I've been pedaling away every morning watching the Italian scenery fly by but really not getting much done. The minute I sit down to spin all heck breaks loose. Every darn day.