Monday 24 June 2024

tour de fleece, am I ready?

 My plans so far.

wash more fleece

prep more fleece

resist the urge to start a spinning project before Saturday !

Two more fleeces have arrive, both Ryeland shearlings as Ryeland has always been one of my favourite spins.

Pretty much zero veg matter in these, the sellers was really good and clear about the fleece. Its been washing up really clean and easy to prep. 

Spinning stash so far

My latest Nano spin is now on the needles, lovely soft Shetland.

That's about it for now, daily or almost daily blogs will resume on Saturday/Sunday depending on where I am.

1 comment:

Araignee said...

Beautiful fiber! I'm fighting the urge to start my project also but I know I won't have much time for it this year anyway with all the renovation going on around here. I'll be working instead of spinning as I watch the beautiful French scenery fly by.