Monday 17 June 2024

tour de fleece Sampling the Bowmont

 Disclaimer.... I love combed fibre in spite of the amount of wastage and having seen these photos, I've realise that the last time I dropped my camera might have done more damage that I realised.

Bowmont Fleece.

I have had a bag of Bowmont in the past, the locks were really short and to be honest I didn't get very far with it but when I spotted an advert for some on Facebook, I thought that I would give it another shot. I ordered my usual 1 kilo ( I generally buy at least a kilo of any fleece so I have plenty to play with) thinking that it would be a good spin to have on my Nano during TDF this year.

Beautiful clean fibre, I washed a good handful as soon as the rain stopped and started to play with it.

I'm aiming for a light 4-ply once plyed. Before washing.....

After washing .....

After washing, 16 wpi which is about where I want to be  with this. I'm hoping to knit a shawl or two with this. Its lovely and soft and I think it will block out nicely but I haven't tried that yet.

Small sample with 3mm needles.

Todays forecast doesn't look so bad so I'll probably pop some more on the line.


Anonymous said...

Well done. It really goes bouncy when you wash it doesn't it?

Anonymous said...


Araignee said...

What beautiful crimp! Your spinning is so lovely and precise. I wish I could pop by for a lesson. Darn ocean.

Anonymous said...

Stunning 😍