Sunday, 1 December 2024

Goodbye November

 I set out to blog every day in November.................Fail

I set out to document tidying my work room.........Fail, well, ongoing

November ended with the AGM at our Guild of Weavers, Spinner and Dyers. Shortest AGM ever haha, then we chatted and admired each others work. We now seem to have a few more men joining us which is good and there are also nearly 50 of us, quite a healthy number .

Whenever we go out as a group to do a demonstration, we take various pieces of equipment including the Saori loom which we encourage people to have a go on.

A new member from Latvia bought in her knitted mittens

Many members are skilled at way more than one or two crafts,

Plait making with a difference

I'm not going to promise daily blogs for December  but back to at least once a week as I work through my stash and generally continue to slowly tidy up.


Gillian said...

Love reading your blogs Sue, especially this last one. All those beautiful things people have made. I hope you make time in your calender for our Coffee and catch up morning. Xxx

Araignee said...

That certainly is a room full of talent!