Friday, 6 December 2024

the lace lady

 This is a project that I had intended to start in the summer but didn't get round to it. The lace lady was purchased in Dunster in the summer for the princely sum of £1.00.

My aim is to replace the lace on her dress ,and the lace that she is making, with handmade lace.

I've made a start, she now has a knitted shawl

and I've removed the price tag. I must see if I can sort the glasses out.

I'd not used my travel pillow for some time so I set up a very basic pricking, just 11 pairs of bobbins , to make a narrow band of lace.

I'm beginning to realise that my camera no longer likes to do close photography, been dropped too many times.

I also took the opportunity to replace the ribbon on my pillow with inkle woven bands, looks much better.

I realise that she  appears to have three very large bobbins. One fell off and is actually safe by my printer. I'm trying to think of a better way to do these and it may involve cocktail sticks at some point.

1 comment:

Araignee said...

What a lucky little dolly to get all spruced up with some very pretty lace! She's very sweet.