Saturday, 1 February 2025

quick update on last spin of 2024

Remember the last spin of 2024 ?

Saxon Merino dyed by Babylonglegs, it is now three headbands waiting for a wash and block.

along with a pair of mittens made from the Ryeland in the centre of this picture

another pair of mittens is on the needles, also I can see the mistakes in the photo but whilst knitting or wearing they don't show.

The Borer leicester cross has now been plyed and is also in the wash bag.

That is pretty much the end of January knits, not bad if you include the hat and the other spinning.

Especially good if you include the workroom tidy up which is still ongoing. This is where I was was 1st November last year.

and this is where I am as at 29 January, also the cupboards are slowly emptying along the way.


Araignee said...

Your work room has undergone quite the change! Those headbands are beautiful. I love the colors.

peahen said...

It's incredibly satisfying to see fleece turned into yarn and then finished objects. Even more so in this case since Babylonglegs made a contribution! It's been a long while since I saw Sarah, I hope she's well. The headbands look amazing.