I had intended to go to the knitting and stitching show at Birmingham but a combination of being tired and getting up late scrapped that idea :-) So I headed off to the local car boot sale this morning with my usual spending allowance of £20. The last time I went, I came back empty handed. Today was the opposite as you can see below.

I managed to grab the following:
9 large 4500metre kops of thread, polyester but I can easily find use for it
1 cutting mat, hardly used, A3 size
1 A3 sketch pad
1 unopened Setasilk silk painting kit
2 bags of DMC threads mainly pearlescent/metal effect
3 Material sample books each about 2 inch thick
1 yard or so red/gold crinkle fabric
and my favourite.... The womans weekly 10 in 1 handicraft set!!