Bullion Stitch

On Stitchin Fingers, the Take a Stitch Tuesday has resumed and this week it is Bullion Stitch. Stitched here in embroidery cotton on handfelted background.
The last few weeks seem to have been so busy that I have hardly kept up with reading blogs let alone any stitching, last weekend I managed to make a DVD slideshow for my mum so she will have a record of the wonderful flowers in bloom at the moment. As a result I have been lax in replying to your comments and I will be catching up with many of you over the next few days :-)
Have you ever tried to explain how you accidently buy something over E-bay? it's really easy, you just wait until there are five of the particular item for sale (all seperately) and you put in a silly bid having seen the first two being sold for more than you would like to pay and promptly forget about it. This has resulted in me buying a Jacobs fleece for spinning for a couple of quid, now I need to buy or borrow a wheel again:-) good job a friend has lent me a drum carder along with 3 different weighted spindles to have a play with.
Anyway, I'm off to surf your blogs whilst thinking of a design for a 10 inch quilt block right after I put the kettle on!!