Hi, Ok I got a little lax about posting again, too much to do and too little time as usual. Also since the dark nights started I seem to be lacking in energy a bit BUT I am still creating even if on a slightly smaller scale.

I am still playing with the inkle loom, the first sami braid was great fun using acrylic yarns, I had a play with hearts and now have some cotton thread sitting ready to go on next...thinking maybe using yarn for the pattern threads and trying a Celtic pattern. ( simple one)
And I'm still playing with bobbin lace especially after buying more lace pillows, bobbins and threads from a fellow spinner a couple of weeks ago.Since I had all the new toys, I had to play and have found a good number of people who also want to have a go at lace making so I'm thinking that we will all have to get together real soon :-)
Must admit that I'm a little out of practise and have spotted the odd mistake but hopefully this will help get me up and running again :-)