Hi, its been a strange week, busy at work and dogged by a raging headache by the end of the week resulting in bloodshot eyes and time off ill. Hopefully that is all behind me now but it means that blog posts have been a little lacking so this is an attempt to bring things up to date. Firstly a quickly snatched photo of Eleanor of
Knit Nottingham wearing a shawl that she knitted from my handspun ( the orange) She never stays still long enough when I have my camera out !

Next, the guys in my local coffee shop were concerned that I only had water instead of my usual latte on Thursday morning and made me a special drink when I called in later to escape from my day job for a few mins.
Next weekend our spinning group 'spinnotts' are having a spin and lace day, that is bobbin lace not knitted lace and I am digging out my spare lace pillows and working on an easy pattern for beginners to play with . We will be at the
New Art Exchange in Nottingham next Saturday and hopefully some will get to have a go with this bookmark pattern.

For anyone looking for this weeks TAST sample, well I haven't stitched it yet but here is the buttonhole stitch from last time to keep you going.
Saturday saw me feeling a bit better, doing the usual housework then visiting a friend for coffee (and dinner as it turned out) We washed some fleece.......

Did a little spinning and a lot of chatting and giggling as usual. Admired the results from our last dye session , merino and angora..yum yum
Then wikkidknitter demonstrated the latest in spinning footwear!!
Hoping you all had a good week and that the spell checker decides to work before I publish this post!!