Monday 26 December 2016

so that was Christmas..

If you have been reading this blog for a while, you will have gathered that we don't do Christmas. This year we probably wouldn't have done it even if we usually did as the lurgie caught up with both of us.
Stereophonic coughing throughout the house, the usual big breakfast in place of the Christmas meal was scaled down and the bits that I bought in to pick at in the evening whilst watching a film remain untouched.

However, I did receive a small gift from Mum which she bought back from her recent trip to Dubrovnik.

we have now added this museum to our list of places to visit once we start traveling again.

I make a bit more progress on my knitting as we watched various programmes on catch up TV. We don't watch BBC I player as a license is needed and we now have a certificate to state that don't watch and therefore don't need the license however they may still call round an visit the property at anytime to check.
They have been saying they will visit since 1988 so I'm not holding my breath!! We are still thinking about this as there are some good programmes on BBC but unless someone raves about them we won't miss them. The good thing is that we still have access to the radio so I download plays etc. to listen to whilst spinning .

Remember the baskets of fleece... I've made some headway with the Jacob.

I'm thinking that I need to go on craft supplies diet..... ie no more purchases until I've used what I have. This would be difficult in the summer as I usually buy fleece from my friend but I may record how much I spend throughout the year and also see what I can sell.
This is more to do with the amount of 'stuff' I have than the amount of money spent !! I can't start until 2017 as I have a book and a fleece on the way at the moment, no idea where to put the fleece 😅

 I hope you all had a great Christmas and a Happy New Year xx

1 comment:

Araignee said...

The new hat is beautiful! I hope you are feeling better soon.