Friday 4 March 2022

A bit of this and a bit of that

 Thursday morning saw me in my usual spot a Cafe Sobar with my lace pillow, I am currently working through some old patterns  as I've found that I have forgotten quite a bit over the years, 

Concentrating on Bucks point, I am working my way through Geraldine Stott visual guide to Bucks point lace (again)

I'm currently on lesson three, I know I have left the pins in the temporary starting holes and the thread is thicker than required but I'm using up oddments in my thread stash.

At the moment its more about making sure that my fingers remember this style of lace and don't revert back to Torchon lace.

I managed a small amount of spinning which I hope to finish today (Friday)

Its raining again so no fleece washing but I have started to process the Ryeland.

In other news, we had a phone call last night from the company who are due to refurbish the van in June saying that they have had a cancellation and would we like to drop it off on Saturday so our weekend plans have been totally turned around. This also means that the campsite that we had booked for an auto event in June, that we cancelled two nights ago when we realised we wouldn't have a van has been hastily rebooked !

Speak soon x

1 comment:

Araignee said...

Your lace amazes me!
How exciting to get your van work done sooner than expected-just in time for better weather. I always look forward to your travel posts being pretty much stuck here with nowhere to go. My Mister is not the adventurous type, I'm afraid. As much as I've tried I can't convince him to get a camper and hit the road, he's much more content to sit on the couch all day and watch Law and Order re-runs. Sigh....