Whilst I'm not stitching, I'm filling my time with some reading and I thought I would share some of my books with you over the next few weeks.

Today's offering is First Steps to Needlecraft by Eunice Close, published December 1947 and intended to supplement school lessons in needlework. The book assumes basic skills in tacking, running stitch hemming and over sewing and starts with usual instructions to make sewing box, scissor case etc.

I love the sentence ' and please get away from the crinolined lady in a garden type of transfer. Some of these are very pretty, but they have been sadly overdone'
also 'many people prefer hand knitted undies as they are warmer and wear better than those made by machine' I hope this refers to vests, not knickers.
It then goes on to cover making samplers,openwork, cross stitch,canvas stitch, Jacobean, quilting, applique....help, this is beginning to sound like city and guilds!

The last section includes knitting, crochet, tatting, carickmacross lace, needle lace and bobbin lace.

Given the date of publication, it acknowledges the post war problems of coupons and shortage, even to point of giving instruction for making lace bobbins and using flour bags as fabric.
I love old books like this and have a small collection that I browse from time to time giving me a glimpse of a long past life style and always reminds me that I am continuing a long tradition of embroidery and lace making, using techniques that have been passed down through the centuries.