Woolly Wednesday
well, what have I been up to since last month? well I taught a Drop Spindle workshop at
Knit Nottingham, usually we have 4 maybe 5 beginners but just two this time. The shop is really small ( we need somewhere bigger ) and rather full of yarn so 5 newbies, 2 spinners 2 wheels and countless spindles can be rather interesting to say the least :-) So to have just the three of us made a pleasant change, more relaxed and more space to play with things.. We chatted about fleece, processing, texture, all the usual topics and touched on dyeing so I suspect that at some point I may have a kitchen full of fleece and dyes so that one of the participants can have a bash at it.
Angela and myself did a spinning demo at The Framework Knitters Museum, more about this in this
The oxford fleece from last months post is rapidly becoming fingerless mittens, confession here....I generally knit shawls so this is my first attempt at thumbs!! or any real shaping etc
but I'm loving the rustic feel to these and they are thick, very warm and remind me of knitted garments when I was little.
The shawl is slowly growing still and another pair of mitts are on the needles for a friend.
umm....I seem to have acquired this to add to my winter spin collection....please note that I am not stating which winter!!
which reminds me that I was gifted a Jacob earlier in the year and have been slowly, very slowly spinning it up over the last few months between other projects.
ok not my best photos ! White, light grey, medium gray, dark brown and a gradient skein.
I'm busy sorting out the remainder to spin at a demo on Saturday to show how many different shades can come from one sheep.
Well, I'm going to be really busy today as I was given a large bag of fibre last night which I need to sort through and I have some Swedish fleece samples to have a good look at. Will update through the month and hope to see you all for the next Woolly Wednesday next year!!