Sunday, 29 March 2015

Not much going on


I've just been thinking about what I've achieved this week and there's nothing too exciting to report :-( the day job continues as usual, I had a count up of how many weeks until our next break (too many still) BUT I did pay off the remaining money for the cottage rental so we can start to get a little excited.

This week's crafts with young people was a last minute decision due to another activity being cancelled so I just grabbed stuff from the cupboard  which turned out to be mould able candle wax.

As you can see,beads and colouring books also made their way onto the same table, always happens, start with three round tables and everyone wants to sit round the same one.

I also treated myself to this book as an antidote to work stress, made a start on it yesterday.

Great fun!

Ooh,  and the candles....

Well thats about it for now, there a loom to warp and straps to finish as the deadline is rapidly approaching, 
I hope you all had a great weekend !


Josie said...

You've all done a great job on the candles, it looks like you had great fun x

Araignee said...

The coloring book is just what the doctor ordered. I feel calmer just looking at it and imagining coloring. I need one.
I have never thought of what could be done with candle wax. They are lovely!

Guzzisue said...

The colouring book is great fun, I get so caught up with it although I know I could probably draw my own pages, this is much less stressful!