Thursday, 28 January 2016

Peace and quiet

very quiet day yesterday, caught up with my sleep,a little stitching, a lot of thinking and an interesting discovery.

Many years ago, as a young married 20 something I met a young German biker in the South of France who we kept in touch with for a few years. We would visit him in Germany and he would come over here. We lost contact around 1988.

During my sort out I found a very faded piece of paper with an a name and address written on it in pencil, googled the name and easily found a photo of this person who still lives in Germany and his works address.

The question I write to him? I have wondered where he is every time we travel to Germany but haven't been able to track him down before, we did get on very well and losing touch was probably down to getting divorced etc at that time.

Any comments ?


Lace-lovin' Librarian ~ Diane said...

Why not? Nothing ventured, nothing gained!

Araignee said...

I have that same issue when I run into old friends on Facebook. I don't think I have ever had the nerve to friend request anyone but on the other hand I never turn one down.