Wednesday 9 November 2022

They've painted the town red............and blue and green


I had to go into town at the beginning of the week for as eye test, yep new glasses are needed. On the way down I noticed that the paint pots have been out down Bridlesmith gate.

I'm guessing that they are trying to rejuvenate the area now that the shopping centre has been demolished, I hope that it comes back to life and the opportunity will be there to sit and have a coffee.

Other than that, I've been knitting a hat, mits and spun some ShetlandxDorset.

and I am still up to date with the cross stitch weekly patterns

Thats about it for this week, hopefully some coastal photos next week xx


Araignee said...

We had one and the new shop owner had it painted over a few months ago. Every time I walk past where it used to be I get mad. Your stitching project is really lovely. So much work in each little square.

Gillian said...

Bridlesmith Gate used to be full of life and lovely shops. I do hope they are trying to get some spirit back into it. Looking forward to Coffee and Catchup x