Wednesday 7 July 2021

TDF day 11 a little spinning, a little stitching


Todays spinning, this fibre was prepped at least a year ago and there isn't a label with it so I'm having to guess that's its yet more Jacob ! I plan to ply it tomorrow.

Other than that, I've been stitching ,mainly to try out the new glasses that my optician has had made up for me specifically for stitching and hopefully they will help with lacemaking. I'm now able to work comfortably on 18/36 count which means that I will not have to pack the magnifier when we go away.

This is the 2020 Stitch along from Linen and Thread that I started last week, great fun to stitch.

I'll leave you with a couple of photos from the garden, speak again tomorrow xx


Araignee said...

I envy you your new glasses. Right now I wear two pair one of top of the other so I can see the TV and work on a project at the same time. I look ridiculous.

Guzzisue said...

Thats the downside of these, they are close up only, no watching tv in them but if I want to do both then its varifocals and a magnifier. one of the reasons is to try and break the tv/computer habit and get back into radio and audio books more.