Sunday 17 July 2022

Too busy to take photos

 I know I promised yarn bomb photos but it didn't pan out that way. Netherfest was great fun, history talks, music, dance all managed to lure me away from taking photos. On Friday I found myself standing in , leading a workshop on making puppets where nearly every attendee was under five !! Certainly an experience and everyone enjoyed it even if I did spend sometime peeling the glue off my hands haha.

Saturday saw me leading a workshop on spinning, just six of us sitting in the sun and having fun with fluff. We over ran by about 45 mins as we were having such a good time.

I spent the rest of Saturday spinning and answering questions at the craft fair also I can now add gazebo erecting to my list of skills.

If you are on Facebook, festival pictures and videos can be seen on the Nertherfest group site.

As for the promised photos, I offer a teapot

and a dragon.

Speak soon xx

1 comment:

Araignee said...

Sounds like a great time!