Thursday 10 October 2024

I'm back, to be honest I've been back for a week

 Well just over a week but I've been busy washing , sorting, cleaning out the van ready for next time and spinning.

We went on a road trip at the end of August for a few weeks. Started in our favourite seaside town of Bridlington and wandered off into the Scottish borders.

Bridlington was busy with holiday makers, sunny and warm.

The model village reopened this year so we walked down from the campsite and wandered round with our quiz sheets hunting for characters and buildings.

Full of anticipation, we packed up the van and moved north to Gretna, the next day it simply poured with rain. The van turned into a damp hovel with steaming clothes haha. The weather improved a day later so we set off to explore, Ian to the Devils porridge museum about 1st Word War munitions factory and myself into the village.

Next stop was Jedborough, famous for its abbey.  Interesting campsite, long and thin with a track through it to the football pitches, early evenings could be lethal as parents picked up their youngsters from practise and totally ignored the 5mph signs.

Gentle walk into town by the river, small cafes and shops and a hill topped by the old jail.

We usually stay for three nights on each site unless the weather is too bad to travel so it was on to North Berwick next, what did I just say about the weather?

and the fog was to stay with us for a few days.

Finally, it cleared :-)

We both enjoyed being at North Berwick, we even stayed an extra night but that was due to the 55mph winds more than anything else.

Pretty place, friendly people and I did find some fibre type stuff but that's for a separate post.

Then it was off to Berwick on Tweed to visit a favourite book shop.

This was our last prebooked campsite so it was almost sticking a pin in the map for our next stop which turned out to be Bellingham which deserves its own post soon :-)

Back in Yorkshire, a quick stop at Leyburn, no photos as my camera battery failed then back to Bridlington where it all began.

Four weeks, nine campsite, around 900 miles and we are now booking the next one :-)


Araignee said...

So much history! And what views! Even in the fog you can see it's a place worth spending some time.

Gillian said...

I enjoy reading about your travels. Lovely photos too x