Friday, 21 February 2025

weavings cards

 I'm due to do a fibre based workshop at the local memory cafe next week so I've been thinking about simple weaving. I have weaving sticks somewhere ( must dig them out ) but a pack of weaving cards and plastic needles were on hand.

Over the last day or so I've had a quick play with them and sorted out oddments of hand spun yarn from the depths of the cupboard. The upside of this is that I can see the improvement in my spinning from several years ago to now.

I'm aiming for simple mug rug,

cut it off the board, tied the ends together and viola, its still in one piece.

Seeing as this is completely made from hand spun, 100% wool , I introduced it to soap ( shampoo in this case ) and water and really rubbed it, screwed it up, etc so it would felt and left it on the radiator over night.

Its shrunk and thickened up nicely. This is a simple project that they can complete and felt at home if they wish to.

Another sample to compare before felting was made. I'm hoping that this will appeal to the carers as well, if not then its at least something to chat over.

I also started the Spears weaving loom off and will take it along.

1 comment:

Araignee said...

That's a good use of handspun. I just had my bins of handspun out this morning to do a post about them for tomorrow. It's a real dilemma trying to figure out a way to use it up.