Monday 26 June 2023

Lets talk about Tour de Fleece

 The countdown is on for the start of the tour but I still have a few fleece washing days ( weather permitting)

 Just for fun I had a look back over my blog to see when I first took part which was 2010 and noticed that some years I didn't blog about it ( lack of blogging enthusiasm rather than lack of spinning) and was still spinning from commercially prepped tops. I certainly didn't think that I would still be blogging and spinning 13 years later.

So I have been washing and prepping ready for the off, around 1kilo ready to spin and more ready to prep but the black hole of fleecyness is still as deep.

yep, bit of an ongoing problem I have sorted some ready to be washed next time its dry, some lleyn x texel, creamy colour when washed with slightly stains from what must be a sandy soil. I'm combing and will then run through the carder to mix it up a bit, resulting yarn will be overdyed.

Ryeland both black and light grey, I had a half fleee of each and just have some oddments to wash now.

The light fleece is pretty clean but the dark one was definitely dirty but a test spin was successful. I removed the bleached tips before spinning.

I have a bag of alpaca, not my usual spin but I may just wash some and play.

My plan of attack is pretty much the same as usual, get out and about with either wheel or spindles ( I have some nice Shetland for the spindle) and my first spin on the louet will probably be some of the last 200 gm of Jacob so I can complete my previous Jacob spin.

I had intended starting the spin at the Framework knitter Museum on Saturday but unfortunately we have a family occasion to attend.  I may pop down there on Sunday or during the week.

Speak soon x

1 comment:

Araignee said...

Now that's some organization! If I don't prep in March I don't get it done because it's too hot, muggy and buggy here to think about wool at this time of the year. I actually had my stuff together this year and have a nice big box of California Red to spin this year and some new to me Falkland I bought from a dyer on Etsy.