Tuesday 25 July 2023

Past the finishing post, Week three tour de fleece.


I stopped spinning on Sunday and i am now giving my hands a rest for a few days.

Over the last three weeks I have achieved my goals of...

spinning down the stash (slightly)

restocking my yarn stash for road trip knitting

spinning in public more and making friends with my Louet Victoria who is often neglected as I tend to use the e-spinner.

I have found that, with a little concentration, I can spin a bobbin on each wheel and ply successfully, I still love hand prepped fleece to spin and I'm now used to having my photo taken :-)

Fleece spun, lleyn x texel,  ryeland, texel, jacob, texel x ? , suffolk x bfl, texel x jacob.

All skeins min 100gm, max 150gm (large skein to use up the last of a fleece) except the diddy purple one which came in at 67gm. 

Total weight around 1.8 kilo

My next job is to sort out the aran from from the dk and the 4 ply weights and hope for a couple of nice days next week so I can dye some of the white skeins.

The spinning wheel is packed away until the next festival.

Speak soon x


Araignee said...

Goodness gracious! No wonder your hands are hurting. That's a LOT of spinning!

peahen said...

Congratulations on the huge stash of yarn you made Sue, and well done on promoting the craft to so many people with your public spinning!