Saturday 15 July 2023

Tour de fleece, week two round up.


 Week two saw me at the Framework knitters museum in Ruddington ( after a stormy start waiting for a bus in the centre of town)

Again spinning in a couple of cafes whilst enjoying coffee and a good old natter.

I've spent more time simply prepping fibre this week so my actual spun total was just five skeins but still not bad for one week!


Araignee said...

Whoa....those are some nice hefty skeins you have there! One week? Wow.

Monica said...

Beautiful place and handspun. I love the idea of spinning at cafes.

Guzzisue said...

Spinning at cafes is great fun, a good conversation starter :-) You just have to be prepared to have your photo taken a few times ,haha x