Sunday 7 July 2024

Day 8, spinning as a reward.

 I woke up yesterday with a sore throat, not what I wanted but not too unusual as a combination of chronic cough along with hayfever sometimes plays havoc this time of year. The good thing was that Ian is away from the weekend so I didn't need to speak to anyone at all :-)

I had planned to go to knit group but cancelled and played a game of "if you tidy a room and mop the floor then you can spin" you can see from the amount of spinning that three floors were mopped haha.

In the evening I added a few more rows to the shawl and combed out some more Shetland.

As for today, day nine, I'll see how I feel after doing the weekly shop. I may venture out with the Nano depending on the weather.

1 comment:

Araignee said...

That's a very fine reward!