Tuesday 16 July 2024

TDF Day 17 Is this shetland worth saving and wash day.

 As the sun briefly made an appearance I decided to get all the TDF spinning washed and on the line, three of the skeins had a detour via the dyepot.

Once dry I bought them in and here they are showing just how much difference washing yarn can make to the original yardage. They are all hanging from a pole across a bookcase and all the skeins were made on my Amish style swift on the same settings.

The blue skeins are LLeyn, the green is NCM, the four cream ones are Ryeland, the white one is bowmont and the black at the end is the wensleydale cross. You can see a very dramatic difference in length between the green and the cream ones.

This is the Shetland that I'm not sure whether to rescue, It was purchased by a friend in 2019 and passed on to me around 2021 as he felt that he wasn't going to bother with it. I've washed some of it, it looks like it has a natural break/rise in places and may need another wash depending on how sticky it is.

After washing, look at those curls, I think that this may take some time to process :-)

I'm going to comb some then spin a sample to see what I think.

Verdict, spins up soft but a lot of effort for a little fibre, one for the 'life's too short' pile I'm afraid.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing. I'm a very beginner spinner and acquired a bunch of random stuff. I struggle with throwing fibre away and knowing whether the fibre is genuinely too short, or I'm just not skilled enough.

Guzzisue said...

It took me a while to stop saving all the fleece haha, these days know what length fibre I like to spin and which breeds. 15 years of trial and error :-)

Araignee said...

Your skeins are a beautiful sight!
I've had a Shetland like that. I think some of it is here in a bag somewhere. I fought through a bit of it and turned it into a vest but it was like wearing wire. I should have tossed it.